
Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters_Side

《 神為何容許天災發生?》
作者:大衛.鮑森 (David Pawson)
出版社: 基督教以琳書房
ISBN: 978-986-6259-26-5

神為何容許天災發生?當世界各地天災頻仍的時候,這是大家最疑惑也最熱中的議題。 大衛‧鮑森從聖經觀點對此進行深入的探討,並分析當中一些重要的疑問: 該將責任歸咎給神嗎?基督徒找到答案了嗎?神到底是怎麼樣的神?天災是我們應得的嗎?天災會有結束的一天嗎?

本書是作者在啟示電視台(RevelationTV)接受三次訪談的精采內容。 透過作者極具影響力的教導,本書將帶領我們進入上帝啟示給人類的真理。 作著大衛‧鮑森牧師 (David Pawson) 委身於一個在英國和海外巡迴培訓教會領袖的事工,透過基督教的傳媒也使他在國際廣為人知,深受敬重。
他的著作包括:《當耶穌再來》(When Jesus Returns)、《通往地獄的不歸路》(The Road to Hell)、《如何帶領初信者:屬靈接生學》(The Normal Christian Birth,以上中文版皆由以琳書房出版)、《滿有盼望的人生》(Living in Hope,暫譯)、《男人應當作領袖》(Leadership is Male,暫譯)、《約翰福音三章16節是福音嗎?》(Is John 3:16 the Gospel?,暫譯)、《新約中的以色列》(Israel in the New Testament,暫譯)(以上中文版即將由以琳
書房出版);《真道與聖靈》、《馬可福音》(以上中文版由台北靈糧堂出版)另有廣受好評的聖經教學 DVD:「新約綜覽」、「舊約綜覽」(GOOD TV好消息衛星電視台出品)。

Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters_E

《 Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?》
By: David Pawson

When natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods and earthquakes occur, many people ask the question ‘If God is all-powerful and loving, why does he allow such things to happen? Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters? David Pawson looks carefully at what the Bible has to say about the significance of such events which can disrupt the lives of millions, bringing destruction, injury and death. As the number and intensity of such disasters increases, this book answers the need for a thoroughly biblical understanding of a major issue. A book for all Christians. For everyone who wants to understand the significance of what is really happening around us on the earth today.