什麼是Awana ?
Awana是一個國際性和超宗派組織,以聖經為基礎的兒童門訓事工,也是本教會特別為三歲以上 孩童提供的室內活動。Awana出自新約聖經提摩太後書2:15「得蒙喜悅作無愧的工人」,取其英文 Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed的首字母縮合而成。
Awana 課程簡介
• Cubbies:適合學齡兒童三歲至五歲參加(學員必須在學年開始時,於九月一日滿三歲或以上) •
• Sparks:適合幼兒園高班(Kindergarten) 至小學二年級學生參加
• Truth & Training (T&T) :適合小學三年級至六年級學生參加
1) 群體聚集時間:詩歌敬拜、獎項領取
2) 小組手冊時間: 由個別老師帶領同齡孩子學習聖經課程,幫助和鼓勵孩子如何在生活中
3) 遊戲時間: 精心設計的室內團體賽遊戲,鼓勵每位孩子參加
Awana 學員註冊
Awana 學員註冊 採取學年制度,從秋季至六月初,全年上課32週,每週六晚上90分鐘,長週末休假。每位孩子一律網上註冊和收費,名額有限,先到先得。
歡迎適齡新朋友(孩童必須符合入學年齡) 於每月最後一週觀摩,一同體驗有趣的活動。
腓立比書 2:15 使你們無可指摘,誠實無偽,在這彎曲悖謬的世代作神無瑕疵的兒女。你們顯在這世代中,好像 明光照耀。
What is Awana ?
Awana is an international, non-denominational and biblical teaching children discipleship program. ” Awana ” originated from scripture 2 Timothy 2:15 ” Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed ” .
What does Awana offer ?
– Biblical Teaching
– Bible memorization
– Basics for a relationship with God
– A foundation for a biblical overview
– Ultra fun games and activities – Positive friendships
– In-club adult affirmation and encouragement
– Support for parents as they spiritually nurture their children
– Consistent and positive training on how to thrive in group settings
– Awards and recognition for accomplishments
Awana Objectives and Curriculum
Weekly dynamic and exciting program whose goal is to reach children with the gospel of Christ and to connect with children. Use teamwork, trophies and awards to promote children’s interest in learning the bible.
Three clubs are offered to children of age 3 to grade 6:
● Cubbies : Children of ages 3 to 5 (children must turn 3 yrs old by September 1 to register for the current year)
● Sparks : Kindergarten to second grade
● Truth & Training (T&T ): Third grade to sixth grade
All Clubbers and Leaders wear uniforms to attend Awana activities to reinforce their sense of belonging and discipline. Clubbers are encouraged to memorize God’s word and to put into practice through weekly handbook activities and awards.
Three-part program to maximize your child’s attention, energy and strength:
1) AN INTERACTIVE LARGE GROUP SEGMENT where kids meet together to sing, hear a Bible lesson and receive awards.
2) SMALL GROUP TIME with a caring and loving adult leader. Kids receive individualized attention as they work through an age-specific handbook. Awana leaders go the extra mile to help kids understand the Bible and how it applies to their daily lives in an exciting and challenging way.
3) FUN AND EXCITING GAMES, unique to Awana, that allow kids to participate no matter what their skill level.
Awana Enrollment
Based on the school year system, Awana starts in Fall and ends in early June. A total of 32 weeks program, every Saturday evening for about 90 minutes long. Online registration is required for all Clubbers with registration fee, first come first serve with limited enrollment.
Bring A Friend
Clubbers are strongly encouraged to invite friends to visit Awana in the last week of the month. Friends must be age appropriate to visit Awana.
Philippians 2:15
So that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Church website: www.fmlccc.org,
Address: 531 E Weddell Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2114 Tel: 408-7450101
Email: contact.fmlc@gmail.com